DNS - Do we live in patterns?

TECHNIQUE TUESDAY! Do we live in patterns?

How we move, walk, talk and think in patterns.

We are not robots, nature's not that unintelligent. It's called range of motion. We can either move correctly or poorly in a range. Babies just didn't start running ya know. There were developmental stages of patterning that needed to occur. Walking is a pattern. Throwing a ball is a pattern.

Is it called muscle memory???

I see common relationships as well potentially causing poor movements. Such as short anterior chest (pecs?)

What happens to the posterior structures? Length? Changes? Why is it between our shoulder blades hurt and our pecs, for the most part?

Every mobility issue, tight muscle, or stuck joint is really an underlying stability issue.

The nervous system establishes programs that control human posture, movement, and gait known as DNS (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization). DNS improves overall spine stability and balance and fosters a mind-body awareness where natural, proper movement feels normal—something almost everyone can use.

Register with RohiniYoga to understand how I integrate DNS in Yoga and Stretch Therapy to train the mind and body to work together—getting you from point A to point B efficiently and pain-free.

Let’s get moving like how babies learned to move those first two years of life.


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